Call for Papers | Dossier “Direito e Práxis 15 years: Perspectives for the horizon of Critique of Law” (v.15, n.3 of 2024)

Revista Direito e Práxis
3 min readSep 29, 2023


[DEADLINE: 15/11/2023]

Image: Fast Train, from 4045 on Freepik

In 2024, the Direito e Práxis Law Journal celebrates its 15th anniversary! To celebrate this milestone in the journal’s trajectory, we would like to invite researchers to reflect on the “Horizons of the critique of law” in a thematic dossier. The special issue will be published in September 2024 and will be curated by the journal’s editors: Prof. José Ricardo Cunha (UERJ), Dr. Carolina Vestena (University of Kassel) and Dr. Bruna Bataglia (IESP-UERJ).

In the dossier commemorating 10 years of the journal, we proposed a review of criticism of the law. On DeP’s 15th anniversary, we’d like to take a look ahead. We want to examine the alternatives, the horizon to be built, based on the contributions of research that looks at the potential of law in tackling the problems and challenges of the current social, economic, political and climate crises. In times of crisis, when “the old is dead and the new cannot yet be born”, we invite you to reflect on the role of law at this critical juncture: What does critical legal research allow us to “make visible”? What contribution does socio-legal research make to the construction of consistent diagnoses and scenarios of current social problems? What horizons for change — for the birth of the new — can the concept of “praxis”, which comes from critical and materialist philosophy, offer legal thinking? What are the nodal points of the transformations to be especially analyzed by socio-legal research?

Proposals for articles that dialogue with the general provocation of the dossier will be especially welcome, as will those that propose to reflect on the horizons of law by analyzing the following dimensions:

  • Legal praxis as a “utopian horizon”;
  • Socio-ecological crisis and socio-environmental transformation: alternatives for social movements and civil society;
  • Challenges and potential of digitalization and artificial intelligence for the socio-legal phenomenon;
  • Forms of association for the rights of nature;
  • Critique of the Anthropocene and the Capitalocene;
  • Exploitation, discrimination and violence in capitalist forms of life and production and the role of law;
  • Law, state and global governance in the post-covid-19 world.

We also suggest that proposers analyze the works published in DeP over the last 15 years in order to establish a dialogue with the debates already taking place in the journal.

Proposals should be sent to [] in the format below by November 15th, 2023. The publication schedule for the Dossier can be found at the end of this call.

Proposals must include:

  • Name, e-mail, ORCID, qualifications and institutional links of the authors.
  • An abstract of no more than 1000 words clearly stating the subject of the work, its hypotheses, the method that will be used to develop the research, the expected conclusions and the contribution of the research to the field and to the dossier proposal.
  • A provisional structure of the topics of the text, including a list of possible cases, experiences or theoretical proposals that will be analyzed.
  • Papers will be accepted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.


1. Launch of the call for papers / Llamada de trabajos: end of September 2023

2. Deadline for Abstracts / Plazo para el envío de los resúmenes: 15/11/2023

3. Feedback from editors on acceptance and comments / Return of Editors / Retorno de los editores: 15/12/2023 [NEW DEADLINE: 22/12/23]

4. Receipt of full papers / Deadline for Articles / Deadline for sending full papers: 17/03/2024 [NEW DEADLINE: 30/03/24]

5. Return of manuscripts to authors after evaluation: 30/04/2024

6. Submission of final versions revised by the authors: 30/07/2024

7. Publication: September 1st, 2024



Revista Direito e Práxis
Revista Direito e Práxis

Written by Revista Direito e Práxis

Publicação acadêmica vinculada à linha de pesquisa em Teoria e Filosofia do Direito do Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito da UERJ

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