Call for papers Dossier “Gender, race, politics and human rights in Brazil”

Revista Direito e Práxis
3 min readNov 17, 2021


September 2022 Edition

Foto de Nick Collins no Pexels, CC

[versão em português / versión en Español]


Editors: Jadir Brito (PPDH/UFRJ), Andréia Lopes (LPPDS/UNIRIO), Rhaysa Ruas (LEICC/UERJ)


The invited editors and the Revista Direito e Práxis, in partnership with PPDH/UFRJ (Program of Public Policies in Human Rights), LPPDS/UNIRIO (Research Laboratory of Public Policies and Social Inequalities) and the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Studies on Critique and Capitalism (LEICC/UERJ) make public this call and invite researchers, activists and members of the academic community to submit articles for the Dossier “GENDER, RACE, POLITICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN BRAZIL”.

This dossier stems from the virtual colloquium of the same name held on November 03, 04, 05, 06 and 10, 2020. With the support of CFCH/UFRJ, ALDEIA/UFSB and LPPDS/UNIRIO, PPDH/UFRJ and LEICC/UERJ held an event whose general objective was to reflect on institutional and conflict policies from the intersections between gender and race, discussing their impacts on political struggles and human rights in Brazil and Latin America.

The submissions to be sent should dialogue with the two central axes of the dossier. The first aims to discuss institutional politics, approaching the State through a critique of human rights in dialogue with the debates in Brazil and Latin America. This axis aims to deepen the debate on political economy and the field of institutional politics, that is, political representation, government, and public policies. Central questions are: what racialized and gendered processes can be identified in this field? What are and to what extent are struggles in the face of social inequalities, conservatism, state violence, and necropolitics taking place in this arena? What institutional and/or systemic alternatives are possible in this context? The second axis will analyze mobilization strategies such as those observed in social movements, political activisms, especially digital ones, political strategies of resistance, and social insurgency. The key questions are: How do such disputes develop with respect to gender, race, antiracist and antisexist actions, and of peripheral resistances in neoliberal capitalism? To what extent do exclusionary policies in this field articulate with capitalism and the history of racism, slavery, and sexism in Brazil? What are the advances and setbacks of the struggles against such policies? Thus, the dossier aims to launch discussions on the paradoxes of human rights in the arena of racialized and gendered conflict politics and to reflect on the assumptions of the collective overcoming of the contradictions of these processes, especially in Brazil.

The Dossier aims to gather contributions that expose reflections in the field of Gender, Race, Politics and Human Rights, from the perspective of an emancipatory praxis and critique of neoliberalism.

Submission and deadlines:

Proposals must be sent to by January 20, 2022 and, in addition to complying with the general submission guidelines indicated by this journal, must contain:

∙ Title: subtitle

∙ Name, e-mail, last or current academic or professional position, institutional affiliations of the authors, e-mail and ORCID.

∙ An abstract of no more than 1,200 words, clearly indicating the object of the work, its hypotheses, the method that will be used in developing the research, the expected conclusions, and the contribution of the research to the field. The word count of the abstract does not include possible references.

∙ A provisional structure of texts’s topics, including a list of possible cases, experiences or theoretical proposals that will be analyzed.

The submission of papers is restricted to one paper per author (even if co-authored).

Proposals accepted for development will receive considerations from the organizers, considering the submission of the complete paper by March, 2022, and the final review by June, 2022.


12/20/2021 — Deadline for authors to submit paper proposals. DEADLINE EXTENDED: 01/20/2022!!

02/21/2022 — Deadline for editors to communicate decisions on received proposals.

03/30/2022 — Deadline for authors to send the final version of the papers.

04/30/2022 — Deadline for editors to get back to authors with comments.

07/1/2022 — Deadline for authors to return with final versions of their papers.

September 2022 — Publication of the dossier.



Revista Direito e Práxis
Revista Direito e Práxis

Written by Revista Direito e Práxis

Publicação acadêmica vinculada à linha de pesquisa em Teoria e Filosofia do Direito do Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito da UERJ

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