Call for Papers — Law and Political Economy in Latin America[EXTENDED DEADLINE]

Deadline: 31 August 2024
[via email]
We invite submissions for a coordinated Special Issue on Law and Political Economy in Latin America to be published in two academic journals: the Journal of Law and Political Economy (JLPE) and the Brazilian-based journal Direito e Praxis (D&P). This collaborative effort aims to strengthen and foster theoretical and methodological debates about Law and Political Economy (LPE) within the Latin American context while also expanding the global reach of LPE research originating in the region, drawing on crucial debates that have long engaged Latin American scholars to contribute to the advancement of LPE scholarship.
Background and Rationale
This call for proposals follows and expands the discussions started at the workshop of LPE in Latin Americaorg anized in 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil. The articles that will comprise this proposed Special Issue adopt an
LPE framework to examine substantive areas which are central to the research agendas of Latin American scholars and which are also of growing global relevance.
LPE is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, but its primary growth has been observed within US academia and, more recently, Europe, with limited engagement in themes crucial to Latin America and its scholars. As the critical issues faced by Latin American countries — such as inflation, inequality, authoritarianism, and development challenges — now resonate prominently on the agendas of Global North nations, there is an opportunity to expand the methodological and theoretical scope of LPE scholarship and draw on the work that has been conducted by critical scholars in Latin America.
Specifically, a significant contribution of the Latin American perspective lies in its nuanced and complex socio- political landscape, which has the potential to refine and enhance the LPE framework, both theoretically and methodologically. Unlike binary divisions often drawn upon to explain other contexts, Latin America presents intricate interplays, such as the coexistence of authoritarian practices and democracy, the persistence of developmentalist tools with market forces and regulation, the juxtaposition in Law Schools’ curricula of transformative constitutionalism in economic and social policies with the pervasiveness of law and economics, and the intermingling of liberal cultural values with religion. These dualities explain the politics of policymaking in the region, moving away from explanations that too often portray the region’s policies and regulatory choices as mere implementation failures of standards formulated elsewhere. At the same time, the LPE framework offers valuable tools to uncover the institutional dimensions and the power relations that animate these choices and policies, asking who wins and who loses in these arrangements, and who has decision-making power. The LPE framework fosters better comprehension of the challenges that have long shaped Latin American trajectories, enabling scholars to delve into these multifaceted dynamics.
Guest Editors
● Beatriz Kira — Sussex Law School, United Kingdom (
● Diogo R. Coutinho — USP Law School, Brazil (
● Mario G. Schapiro — FGV Law School, Brazil (
● Matías Guiloff — Universidad Diego Portales, Chile (
● Raquel de Mattos Pimenta — FGV Law School, Brazil (
Submission Guidelines
We will be accepting and reviewing submissions for each journal separately, and authors may submit their work to only one of them. It is essential to note that the focus of papers published by JLPE and DCP will
vary slightly. Therefore, authors are encouraged to reflect on whether their contributions align more closely with one journal over the other.
For JLPE, manuscripts should actively contribute to theoretical and methodological discussions within the broader Latin American context. Comparative case studies are highly encouraged, with a preference for
studies that offer generalizable findings for the region. While single country case studies will be considered, a compelling case for generalizable findings must be presented. In the case of DCP, we welcome
single-country case studies and analyses that are centred around Brazil, taking into account the specificities of the Brazilian context.
Authors are requested to adhere to the formatting guidelines, referencing style, and word limits of the respective journals when preparing their manuscripts.
● Manuscripts should be written in English.
● Article manuscripts should not exceed 20,000 words, inclusive of abstract, notes, and references.
● Please follow the JPE formatting guidelines available here:
● Include “(LPE Latam SI — JLPE)” in the title of the submission and send i) anonymised manuscript with all identification information removed; and ii) document with mini bio and contact details of all authors to — using “LPE Latam SI — JLPE — title of paper” as the subject line.
For D&P:
● Submissions can be in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.
● Articles solely authored by undergraduate or master students will not be considered
(however co- authored papers with more senior scholars are accepted)
● Manuscripts should be between 15 and 25 pages, inclusive of references and bibliography.
● Follow the DCP formatting guidelines available here:
● Include “(LPE Latam SI — Direito e Praxis)” in the title of the submission and send i) anonymised manuscript with all identification information removed; ii) document with mini bio and contact details of all authors to — using “LPE Latam SI — Direito e Praxis — title of
paper” as the subject line.
Timeline and Review Process
The deadline for full submissions is 24 September 2024. All manuscripts will undergo a desk review for alignment with the Special Issue theme, followed by a peer review for selected submissions. The Special
Issues are scheduled for publication in early 2025.
For any inquiries regarding this call for papers, please direct your questions to: