Dossier Revista Direito e Práxis: “Pandemics, Law and Judicialization”
Call for Papers
(versão em português / versión en español)
Guest editors: Deisy de Freitas Lima Ventura (University of São Paulo) and Octávio Luiz Motta Ferraz (King’s College London).
The Revista Direito e Práxis, an academic journal of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), invites researchers to submitproposals of articles for the special issue “Pandemics, Law and Judicialization“, organized by guest editors Deisy de Freitas Lima Ventura (University of São Paulo) and Octávio Luiz Motta Ferraz (King’s College London).
The interaction between Law and epidemics produces complex scenarios since the first historical accounts of the diseases that devastated humanity. Contemporarily, this complexity manifests itself in the form of normative inflation and/or the juxtaposition of judicial decisions from different levels with varying enforcement possibilities. This is the case of the current Covid-19 pandemic, which has given rise to an extraordinary profusion of norms, especially at the local level, in addition to an intense judicialization of health in many countries and especially in Brazil.
This call for papers is a stimulus to critical approaches that contribute to the understanding of the role of Law in the state and social response to pandemics (not only in the current Covid-19 pandemic) and also the impact of pandemics on Law in specific sectors, populations or spaces. Articles may also focus on the international level, in specific regions, countries or places.
The special issue will consist of eight (8) articles that bring an original contribution to the area of knowledge or contribute to promoting the interface between Law and other disciplines in relation to Global Health issues. The proposals should present research results developed under a clearly identified theoretical framework and methodology.
Empirical studies on regulation and jurisprudence related to the Covid-19 pandemic in developing countries, including Brazil, are especially encouraged. We are interested, for example, in the impact of the pandemic on civil liberties, economic and social rights, inequalities and democracy.
It is important to notice that, if dealing with judicialization, the proposal may take into account the current state of the debate in the fields of law and political science, which has already been, for example, addressed in three thematic dossiers published by the Journal: “10 years of the Reform of the Judiciary in Brazil” (2015), “The judicialization of urban-environmental conflicts in Latin America” (2016) and “The Brazilian Supreme Court and issues of gender and sexuality” (2020).
Important notice: literature reviews, descriptive and compilatory texts will not be accepted.
Papers will be accepted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
Proposals must be sent in the format below to [] by September 30th, 2020.
Selected proposals will receive editors’ feedback and the final piece will be due in April 2021.
Proposals must have:
· Author name, e-mail, academic qualification, and professional position.
· An abstract of no more than 1.200 words indicating the object, hypothesis, method, expected conclusion and the work’s main contribution.
· Provisional structure of topics, including the list of cases, experiences or theoretical frameworks to be addressed.
1. Call for papers: July 2020
2. Deadline for Abstracts: September 30th, 2020
3. Return of Editors: end of November 2020
4. Deadline for submissions of full articles: April 2021
5. Dossier Launch: September 2021
* After receiving the full papers, the manuscripts will be assessed and returned to the authors for corrections.